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My first Blog

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

I feel this should be momentous, and assured, brimming with confidence on the topic on which I intend to continually write about. A topic sentence, might be a good phrase. I remember having to write those every time I put pen to paper about King Lear or Macbeth, no reason it shouldn’t work now.

But, I don’t know what to write. I don’t know what I want this blog to be. I’m told most people feel that but it’s yet to prove a balm.

I’ve been making short comedy/ political videos (I suppose I should write satirical but a big part of me thinks that’s wanky). Yet, I write a few days after the Chancellor has called the entire profession in which I work and love and wish to spend my days as not viable for help or resurrection.

Strangely, I don’t feel I want to write about that. Or rather, I do, but the sentiment is incredibly short and just two words and rhymes with cough. Anymore feels superfluous to the cause.

I could write about what I like to write about, if that isn’t too naval gazing. But, if you’re this far into the post that can hardly be in doubt. Comedy, theatre, PR, television, books; no, that’s dull and it’ll come with time, not for the first post.

I’m trying to write a novel – ignore that, everyone is, who cares.

I suppose I’ll say simply: thank you for reading this and if you want to chat please do get in contact. I’ve made this website as to inform about my writing, but everything I’ve ever done that’s any good is because of collaboration and the people around me. It’s the friends I’ve made and continue to make that are as much a driving force for me as my writing is.

So, if you want to speak about my writing, get in touch. If you want to speak about PR, get in touch. If you want to chat and find a friend within the industry, get in touch. If you’re someone who knows how to end a blog get in-

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